The Case for New Shipping Containers in Residential Construction: Structural Integrity and Toxicity Concerns

Discover why choosing new purpose built shipping containers for your residential container home project is essential when building a modular home or apartment.Discover why choosing new purpose built shipping containers for your residential container home project is essential when building a modular home or apartment.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend in using shipping containers for residential construction. These repurposed containers offer a unique, eco-friendly way to build homes and structures. However, when it comes to choosing between purpose built new and used shipping containers, there are compelling reasons to favor new containers for residential use. In this blog post, we will delve into the structural integrity and toxicity issues associated with used shipping containers, highlighting why new and purpose built shipping containers are a better choice for your next modular residential project.

Structural Integrity

  1. Corrosion and Rust

One of the foremost concerns with using used shipping containers for residential construction is their susceptibility to corrosion and rust. Shipping containers endure harsh conditions during their life at sea, including exposure to saltwater, extreme temperature fluctuations, and physical stress. Over time, these factors can compromise the structural integrity of used containers. Rust and corrosion weaken the metal, making it less suitable for building robust and long-lasting homes.

New shipping containers, on the other hand, are free from these issues. They have not been exposed to the corrosive elements of the sea, ensuring that your residential structure will maintain its structural integrity for many years to come.

  1. Repairs and Modifications

Used containers often require repairs and modifications to meet residential building standards. These modifications can include cutting out sections for windows and doors, reinforcing weak spots, and fixing structural damage. While these changes are possible, they can be costly and may not fully restore the container's original strength. Our purpose built containers, however, are built to your specifications no matter where you are located. Our modular shell structures can withstand winds over 200mph, heavy snow loads and built in seismic reinforcements.

Toxicity Concerns

  1. Chemical Residues

Used shipping containers may contain chemical residues from their previous cargo, which can pose health risks to occupants. These residues can include pesticides, fumigants, and other potentially harmful chemicals. Even if the containers are thoroughly cleaned, traces of these substances may remain, leading to indoor air quality issues in your residential space.

New containers are not exposed to hazardous materials during their production, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment for residents.

  1. Lead-Based Paint

Many older shipping containers were painted with lead-based paint, which was commonly used for its durability and anti-corrosion properties. However, lead-based paint is a known health hazard, particularly for children and pregnant women. Even if repainting is done, the risk of lead exposure remains. New containers are typically painted with safer, non-toxic coatings, eliminating the lead hazard.

While used shipping containers may offer a cost-effective solution for residential construction, the structural integrity and toxicity concerns associated with them cannot be ignored. New shipping containers provide a safer and more reliable option for building homes and structures that meet modern construction standards and ensure the well-being of occupants. Investing in new containers may come with a slightly higher initial cost, but the long-term benefits in terms of durability and safety make them a superior choice for residential use. So, if you're considering shipping containers for your next housing project, prioritize new containers to create a home that stands the test of time while protecting your family's health.

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