Join us for the premiere of 'WE START WITH THE THINGS WE FIND', tomorrow at 6:30 PM at SVA Theatre. Tickets available now!Join us for the premiere of 'WE START WITH THE THINGS WE FIND', tomorrow at 6:30 PM at SVA Theatre. Tickets available now!

Tomorrow is an exciting day for those intrigued by the intersection of art, architecture, sustainability, and design. On Wednesday, October 25th at 6:30 PM, the SVA Theatre at 333 West 23rd Street will host the premiere of "WE START WITH THE THINGS WE FIND," a feature-length documentary that promises to inspire radical optimism and creative thinking in a world that often feels overwhelmed by challenges. This documentary shines a spotlight on LOT-EK, a visionary design studio that has spent over a quarter-century reimagining and repurposing shipping containers, creating a new and necessary architecture of the future. The film not only explores LOT-EK's remarkable work but also delves into the story of its founders, Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano.

Seeing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

The central idea behind "WE START WITH THE THINGS WE FIND" is profound yet simple: if we pay enough attention to the ordinary, we can find the extraordinary. The film opens our eyes to the often-overlooked beauty of the ubiquitous shipping container. These eight-foot-by-forty-foot corrugated steel boxes, which bring products from around the world to our doorstep, have become accidental icons of our modern age. They serve as a tangible connection between distant places, forging global supply chains that impact economic, ecological, technological, and political systems. With the world interconnected by these containers, LOT-EK's work goes beyond mere design; it's about understanding the intricate web that binds us all.

"WE START WITH THE THINGS WE FIND" is more than just a documentary about a design studio; it's an exploration of a new kind of design thinking and a new design for life. In a world grappling with issues like sustainability, industry, infrastructure, and technology, LOT-EK's vision offers a compelling narrative of how we can be radically optimistic, creative, and constructive in the face of adversity. 

Join Us Tomorrow for the Premiere

Don't miss this opportunity to witness the transformative power of design thinking and its potential to shape a more sustainable, creative, and optimistic future for us all.

Trailer: YouTube | Vimeo

On Wednesday, October 25th at 6:30 PM, the SVA Theatre at 333 West 23rd Street. Get your tickets here

To learn more about the event, please visit the official website:

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