Giant Containers featured in The Globe and Mail!

On Saturday we welcomed Toronto journalist Dave LeBlanc to our modshop to take a look at what we do at Giant Container Services and we’re happy to present his profile on us up on The Globe and Mail!
Under Pearson International Airport’s flight path, buildings must lie low lest they become obstacles, and the network of highways and off-ramps near Canada’s largest transportation hub means that streets – with names such as Galaxy Boulevard, Meteor Drive and Skyway Avenue – are often stubs.
On one such stub called Stoffel Drive., which ends with a go-kart track and a paintball operation, a squat two-storey building at No. 12 is a typical example; the stacks of shipping containers pressing into the mud outside suggests the usual trucking business takes place here.
Until the eye picks up on two things: the company name, “Giant,” is rendered in a hip, New York Yankees/David Letterman kind of way, and one of the containers is covered in professional graffiti.
“Anything to do with containers, we’re the one-stop shop,” says Daniel Kroft inside Giant Container Services, his hands spread over a boardroom table made from a chunk of shipping container while framed Andy Warhol soup cans decorate the smooth drywall behind his head. “We’re a culturally relevant brand; we call ourselves ‘unconventionally awesome’ [because] we’re taking these units and we’re doing something different with them.”
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