We Donated A Shipping Container To Aid In Fort McMurray Wildfire Relief

We donated a 20′ shipping container to the King East Design District, who launched a drive to fill with donated goods.We donated a 20′ shipping container to the King East Design District, who launched a drive to fill with donated goods.

We at Giant Container Services are big on community. We try to be good neighbours and lend a helping hand whenever we can. We shocked by the news of what’s happened over at Fort McMurray this month, and witnessing just how many people were displaced by it made us really appreciative for how comfortable we have it here in Toronto.

So we decided to help in some way, by donating a 20′ shipping container to the King East Design District, who launched a drive to fill with donated goods.

The drive was all week at 225 King Street East, and we encouraged the public to bring goods in need, where it was packed into our shipping container. The container is decorated to look like a 3D mail envelope, and people were able to write messages of solidarity and encouragement with a paint marker!

We were so thrilled to see the outpouring of support from our fellow Torontonians for the people of Alberta, and are always all ears whenever we are approached to help out with a charitable or philanthropic cause.

Special thanks to the King East Design District and Peloso Alexander Interiors.

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